The Policy on Information Security and the Protection of Digital Assets service offering formulates IT Services policies pertaining to information security and protection of digital assets based on community consultation and feedback. Information regarding the Policy may be found here. The U of T Chief Information Security Officer is the designated authority for the Policy’s implementation and application.
EDUCAUSE Membership and Services
Educause is a world-wide organisation focused on the support of information technology professionals in higher education. Educause provides research materials, case studies from other institutions on a broad range of topics, toolkits, special interest groups, and professional development resources and opportunities. The University participates in the annual Educause Core Data Service and the ETRAC – Education Technology Research in the Academic Community surveys for undergraduate students and faculty. Educause runs an annual conference and multiple functionally-specific conferences and Webinars throughout the year. The University has a full membership that includes access to the Educational Learning Initiative (ELI), Educause Center for Applied Research (ECAR).
Departmental IT Service Reviews
A consulting service available to departments who want to review all or parts of their local IT capabilities. Working independently or with ITS and partners, department faculty, staff, and students are interviewed. A report is issued with recommendations and priorities for advancing local IT services and accessing institutional IT resources.
TechQual Survey
The TechQual Survey service offering advises on the quality of IT services at the University of Toronto.
Gartner IT Score
The Gartner IT Scores are a collection of benchmarking toolkits that apply to different aspects of information technology deployments. Through a questionnaire, the IT Score methodology provides diagnostics are designed to help you measure, prioritize, and improve your function’s performance on critical activities. IT Score activities are facilitation by the Planning, Governance, and Assessment unit of the CIO Office. Contact:
Educause Core Data Service
The Core Data Service is an annual survey that collects data on institutional budgets, priorities, and detailed information on many core services such as security, academic technologies, data centre capabilities. Hundreds of universities worldwide participate. Data for analysis are available to site administrators and contributors. The data collection process normally runs from July through November.
Educause Technology Research in the Academic Community
Annual undergraduate and biennial faculty surveys on a range of IT service related activities such as connectivity, access to learning tools, experiences with digital learning resources.
Research Data Security Working Group
The Information Security Council (ISC)’s Research Information Security Working Group (RISWG) provides expert analysis, draft artifacts and tools, and advises researchers on information security and risk management as they apply to research.