
Cloud Infrastructure

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) provisions the following key services to support the business needs of the University of Toronto community:

  1. Landing zone – implementation & managed
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Cloud consultation

Book an intake meeting with us today to share your business requirements and learn more about our cloud services.

System Management

The System Management service is for clients with operating systems on a virtual machine hosted in the ITS Private Cloud by the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions Hardware Infrastructure Group (EIS-HIG). This service includes: configuration (storage, CPU, memory/RAM) database access, firewalls, maintenance, monitoring, security, service disruption, upgrades, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP/Python/Perl), ASP.NET/MS SQL website hosting.

Network Time Service (NTP)

The Network Time Service (aka NTP) provided by EIS allows your Unix/Linux, Windows, or MacOS servers and workstations to obtain and maintain accurate time.

Web Accessibility Webinar for Research-related Web Sites

This introductory webinar introduced the use of accessibility checkers for assessing research Web sites for accessibility compliance and issue identification. The webinar highlights the strengths and limitations of various accessibility trackers.

Jupyter Hub for Researchers 101

Project Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project that supports interactive data science and scientific computing across programming languages.

This session provided a basic overview of Jupyter, the use of Jupyter Notebooks and Labs to create interactive computing environments and introduced the resources available through SciNet to support JupyterHub notebook sessions.

REDCap Basic Training II

REDCap is a free and secure web application that can be used to build and manage online surveys and databases. Building on the functions of Basis Training 1, the REDCap Basic Training II session educates participants on how to perform functions such as branching logic, piping, user rights management etc.

REDCap Basic Training I

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a free and secure web application that can be used to build and manage online surveys and databases. In the REDCap Basic Training I, participants are taught REDCap basic functions such as how to create a new project, enabling an instrument as a survey, methods of Inputting data etc.

CRIS Collaboration Space

The CRIS Collaboration Space is the future hub for in-person and virtual workshops, information sessions and specialized research

CRIS Facilitation Toolkit

This interactive toolkit provides guidelines, tools and templates to help research teams to plan and execute highly effective collaborative engagements.