The StarRez service offering provides access to a student residence management system including student/resident access, room inventories, fee management (charges, payments), event management. Functional support by Student Housing. Technical and analysis support by EASI. StarRez Photos is an associated database of TCard photos of residents for use in their StarRez profiles.
Timetable Builder
The Timetable Builder service offering provides access to an official visual timetable building tool enabling students to create a personal timetable from current course offerings and block off personal time to protect from scheduling (e.g., for part time jobs). Students can save a personal copy to their own device.
Transfer Explorer
The Transfer Explorer (Transfer Navigator) service offering conveys access to a transfer planning tool to check eligibility (equivalence) of course credits taken elsewhere at University of Toronto or external institutions for use as potential University of Toronto degree credit.
Varsity Blues Registration System (VBRS)
The Varsity Blues Registration service offering provides access to an application to record students’ registration as athletes in particular sports, with waivers and documentation, and to provide a pre-event eligibility check for staff and officials
Financial Planning Calculator
The Financial Planning Calculator service offering provides access to a publicly available exploratory tool for current, prospective students, or their parents to plan a budget and find out how much it will cost to study at University of Toronto per academic year. Fees available from picklists of programs and residences
UTORMail is the legacy email service. Active faculty, staff, and students use Microsoft 365 for email, but there are legacy accounts for alumni and others that still use UTORmail. This service is being retired.
The Weblogin service offering provides a single sign-on capability for users to identify themselves to web services within the University of Toronto to gain permitted access to all weblogin enabled services (e.g. Quercus, UTMail+ etc.)
The UTORable service offering is an Institutional central directory that provides authorization attributes roles. It is a central database containing user’s information used to authenticate and authorize them. It is integrated into almost all major University of Toronto systems and provides access to services such as Office365.
Display First Name
The Display First Name service enables University community members to display a chosen name across all applications that are not required to use legal names.
The UTORid service offering provides all faculty, staff and students with a unique identifier (like a digital driver’s license) that combined with a user’s password is the primary method of validating identity to many University of Toronto services (websites, applications and portals that make up the U of T’s internet presence).