
Vulnerability Management Service

The Vulnerability Management Service identifies vulnerabilities in a web application and provides recommendations to mitigate the likelihood the vulnerability would be exploited.

Divisional Risk Assessment (DAI-IRSA)

The Divisional Risk Assessment service offering provides University of Toronto Divisions with a high-level qualitative and quantitative review of their people, processes and technology and the handling of confidential information to determine the current risk posture within a division.

Information Risk Assessment

The Information Risk Assessment service offering uses an information risk assessment process to provide University of Toronto projects with an in-depth analysis of risk associated with the application or vendor under consideration by the project.


The UTORGrouper service supports delegated role and access management, allowing those best placed to make access control decisions (eg. Business Officer, Project Manager, Divisional and Departmental Staff) to make them directly and have the changes take effect immediately.

TLS Server Certificates

The TLS Server Certificates service provisions server security certificates used to ensure secure communications between servers and visitors and ensure the integrity of transmitted information. It includes the University of Toronto’s Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) service offering.


The Weblogin service offering provides a single sign-on capability for users to identify themselves to web services within the University of Toronto to gain permitted access to all weblogin enabled services (e.g. Quercus, UTMail+ etc.)


AdminVPN provides strong authentication and secure network connections for systems and units at the University of Toronto. It is used by staff and faculty who need to access University-wide administrative systems such as ROSI, ROSI Express, ROSI Files and AMS. To access AdminVPN, a staff member or faculty member must be approved by their department. Users must be eligible for an eToken and have an eToken present when connecting to AdminVPN.

The AdminVPN service is operated by Information Security’s Visibility and Infrastructure team.


The UTORvpn service offering is the general VPN that provides University of Toronto with an institutional Virtual Private Network (VPN) to enable staff, faculty and graduate students secure access to University of Toronto’s internal network from and off campus locations.


The UTORable service offering is an Institutional central directory that provides authorization attributes roles. It is a central database containing user’s information used to authenticate and authorize them. It is integrated into almost all major University of Toronto systems and provides access to services such as Office365.

Display First Name

The Display First Name service enables University community members to display a chosen name across all applications that are not required to use legal names.