

Survey and data collection tool

The Onlne Learning Consultation

The Onlne Learning Consultation service provides information and advice on faculty development programming and direct support related to the the creation of online and hybrid course offerings.

Online Proctoring

The Online Proctoring service provides consultation and planning support to program areas implementing proctoring services available under central contract at the univeristy (ProctorU, Examity).

Quercus Learning Management Ecosystem

The Quercus LME (learning management ecosystem) service offering conveys access to University of Toronto’s new learning and teaching environment that allows for the integration of educational technology tools and pedagogical flexibility.

Online Learning Research and Evaluation

The Online Learning Research and Evaluation service provides information, advice and support on researching and publishing research related to online learning strategies and the use of educational technology tools and techniques for teaching and learning.

Online Learning Consultation

The Onlne Learning Consultation service provides information and advice on faculty development programming and direct support related to the the creation of online and hybrid course offerings.

Specialized Learning Technologies Support

The Specialized Learning Technologies service provides support in the process of exploring and mastering the use of an educational technology tool for meeting a pedagogically sound teaching and learning goal or need (Articulate, SCORM, H5P, Virtual Labs)

Open Educational Resource Outreach and Development

The Open Educational Resource Outreach and Development service provides information and advice on opportunities for curriculum enhancement related to the creation and/or adaptation of openly licensed educational materials and resources.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Support

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Support service provides consultation, partner liaison and design services related to MOOC project implementation on Coursera and EdX platforms

TechSmith Snagit

The TechSmith Snagit service offering provides access to software that records lecture audio and syncs it with the on-screen display of a computer or laptop for upload to a streaming service such as MyMedia, MS Stream or YouTube