
HRIS Employees@UofT

The HRIS Employees@University of Toronto service offering provides a user with information and lists for employees that belong to the user’s organization unit(s) based on specific HR criteria (personnel subarea, employee subgroup, gender, rank etc)

HRIS True Blue Recognition Platform Interface

The True Blue Recognition Platform Interface service offering conveys HR data to an awards recognition system for processing nominations and awards to University of Toronto faculty and staff for their exemplary contributions to the university.

HRIS Absence tracking

The HRIS Absence Tracking service offering conveys access to a Fast Entry template to enable properly authorized HR users to record absences for a group of employees and load this automatically into the central HRIS system.

HRIS JDXpert – Job Description Interface

The JDXpert – Job Description service offering conveys HR data to and from a 3rd party cloud-based software for managers and HR staff to utilize pre-written templates to create USW job descriptions (JDs) with consistent language and ratings.

HRIS Reporting

The HRIS Reporting service offering provides an ad hoc HR report tool to produce HR reports for central HR, pension and centralized / decentralized Business Officers.

HRIS Payroll Support

The HRIS Payroll Support service offering provides payroll support for the central payroll team. This is a SAP core function that runs 3 times a week.

HRIS Manager Self-Service (MSS)

The HRIS Manager Self-Serve service offering provides managers with online access to view and action information about their team in a convenient and secure way from work or home.

HRIS Employee Self-Service (ESS)

The HRIS Employee Self-Serve service offering provides online access to a user’s own personal information in a convenient and secure way from work or home

HRIS Academic Administrative Appointments

The HRIS Academic Administrative Appointments (AAA) service offering conveys access to a system that automates onboarding and offboarding academic appointments (Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and Chairs) from the nominations phase through to on boarding / off boarding.

University of Toronto Mobile App

The University of Toronto Mobile App service offering is an official University of Toronto app that includes various micro-apps to access a University information and services from your smartphone.