
Physical Office Space (ITS)

The Physical Office Space service offering implements (creates, procures, maintains, adjusts and amends) physical office space change for Central IT Services.

Next Generation Student Information Services (NGSIS)

The NGSIS service offering implements next generation student information services for students, faculty and staff, and establishes the technological infrastructure upon which the educational tools and services of tomorrow will be built. NGSIS is the foundational initiative that includes ACORN and the new student, and academic/administrative services such as Degree Explorer, tuition cost estimator, eMarks, awards discivery, and other applications and services that aim to streamline the interactions between students, faculty, and the University.

NGSIS Project Central

The NGSIS Project Central service offering conveys a locally hosted online project portfolio management resource utilized by the project management team to track the progress of initiatives under the NGSIS banner.

Timetable Builder

The Timetable Builder service offering provides access to an official visual timetable building tool enabling students to create a personal timetable from current course offerings and block off personal time to protect from scheduling (e.g., for part time jobs). Students can save a personal copy to their own device.

Transfer Explorer

The Transfer Explorer (Transfer Navigator) service offering conveys access to a transfer planning tool to check eligibility (equivalence) of course credits taken elsewhere at University of Toronto or external institutions for use as potential University of Toronto degree credit.

Varsity Blues Registration System (VBRS)

The Varsity Blues Registration service offering provides access to an application to record students’ registration as athletes in particular sports, with waivers and documentation, and to provide a pre-event eligibility check for staff and officials

GPA Calculator

The GPA Calculator service offering conveys access to a publicly available tool for students to calculate and predict their Cumulative, Sessional, Annual and Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) by inputing anticipated or earned grades and previous session CPGA.

Grant Application

The Grant Application service offering provides access to online grant and bursary application support, by session and division. Some fields are auto-populated based on the student’s registration.

Safety Abroad Student Registry

The Safety Abroad Student Registry service offering provides access to an online registration system for students traveling outside of Canada on University-sanctioned activities. Allows for self-serve travel registration for independent travel to low-risk locations, and CIE-sanctioned travel registration to higher-risk locations after appropriate consultation


The StarRez service offering provides access to a student residence management system including student/resident access, room inventories, fee management (charges, payments), event management. Functional support by Student Housing. Technical and analysis support by EASI. StarRez Photos is an associated database of TCard photos of residents for use in their StarRez profiles.