
OneDrive for Business

OneDrive for Business is a component of the Office 365 suite that provides employees with 1 terabyte of storage space. Files may be accessed anywhere and anytime. With OneDrive, files may be shared with others for collaboration.

Financial Planning Calculator

The Financial Planning Calculator service offering provides access to a publicly available exploratory tool for current, prospective students, or their parents to plan a budget and find out how much it will cost to study at University of Toronto per academic year. Fees available from picklists of programs and residences

Quercus Learning Management Ecosystem

The Quercus LME (learning management ecosystem) service offering conveys access to University of Toronto’s new learning and teaching environment that allows for the integration of educational technology tools and pedagogical flexibility.

Open Educational Resource Outreach and Development

The Open Educational Resource Outreach and Development service provides information and advice on opportunities for curriculum enhancement related to the creation and/or adaptation of openly licensed educational materials and resources.

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Support

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Support service provides consultation, partner liaison and design services related to MOOC project implementation on Coursera and EdX platforms

TechSmith Snagit

The TechSmith Snagit service offering provides access to software that records lecture audio and syncs it with the on-screen display of a computer or laptop for upload to a streaming service such as MyMedia, MS Stream or YouTube


The Clickers service offering conveys access to iClicker – the classroom response system supported at University of Toronto.

Optical Mark Recognition (Test Scanning)

The Test Scanning service offering conveys access to optical mark recognition (OMR) software to capture human-marked data from document forms such as tests and surveys.

University of Toronto Mobile App

The University of Toronto Mobile App service offering is an official University of Toronto app that includes various micro-apps to access a University information and services from your smartphone.