The Research Information Security Program (RISP) offers cyber security consultation services to facilitate the innovative research of our academic community while safeguarding intellectual property and data integrity.
Password Manager
1Password is a cloud-based, cross-platform password management solution, allowing you to organize and store all your personal and professional passwords in one secure place. The University of Toronto offers 1Password licenses to faculty, staff, and students.
Information Security Handbook
A self-service resource from the University’s Information Security team providing you with short, practical pages filled with actionable steps and other supports related to common cyber security questions and requirements.
Network Time Service (NTP)
The Network Time Service (aka NTP) provided by EIS allows your Unix/Linux, Windows, or MacOS servers and workstations to obtain and maintain accurate time.
Web Accessibility Webinar for Research-related Web Sites
This introductory webinar introduced the use of accessibility checkers for assessing research Web sites for accessibility compliance and issue identification. The webinar highlights the strengths and limitations of various accessibility trackers.
Survey and data collection tool
Zoom Videoconferencing
Zoom is a audio/video service that may be used for videoconferencing and webinars.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Zoom access is only provisionally approved pending the outcome of an RFP in 2021.
Policy, Protocols, Procedures and Guidelines
The Policy. Procedures and Guidelines (PPG) service is responsible for authoring, collating and presenting IT policies, procedures and guidelines and promoting them through the University. Units may obtain guidance on the implementation, application, and interpretation of PPG. Units may also request assistance in the development of local PPG. Suggestions for areas of PPG development may be sent here.
Appropriate Use of Information and Communication Technology Guidelines
Provostial guidelines on use of information technologies at U of T. Includes statements on fair use, appropriate and inappropriate use, ramifications of misuse. PGA provides guidance on interpretation and application of the Guideline.
Gartner Research Services
The University maintains a 3-tiered license with Gartner. Gartner provides IT research, contract and RFP consulting, implementation guides. toolkits and templates for IT assessments, and access to analysts for consultations on a broad range of topics.